COVID-19 Update Center

As the coronavirus COVID-19 situation evolves, we are committed to keeping you informed about Noera’s actions to safeguard employees while maintaining operations in order to support our dealers and customers and their livelihoods. These objectives are immensely important to us during normal times. They are vital today.

No matter the challenge, you find a way to get your job done. Noera Financial is proud to be your partner in forging ahead, providing you with convenient digital tools and flexible payment options. Let's move forward together!
If you or someone you know requires assistance, please log in at or call Mertecs orange 2021

Protecting our employees' health and well-being is our top priority. Those who can work remotely have been encouraged to do so. Those who are needed on-site to get necessary parts and equipment to our dealers and customers to keep them up and running are working with the following safeguards:
Enhanced cleaning efforts including third-party suppliers sanitizing multiple times per day.
Industrial-hygiene company conducting audits at some of our larger units to ensure sanitization efforts meet or exceed CDC and health-department guidance.
Restructured assembly process to ensure employees are social distanced.
Face shields and additional measures in place for work areas where employees may be within 6 feet of each other, even for a short period of time.
Altered shift schedules to ensure employees from one shift exit before the next shift reports to work.
Hallways, entrances, and exits are strictly one way – no two-way entrances or exits are allowed.
Thermometer checks and/or thermo scanning – currently being used at eight of our factories – with an emphasis on reminding employees to be aware of the three common symptoms of COVID-19: fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
Operations team auditing all safety measures and ensuring social distancing on a frequent, daily basis.
Continuous-improvement process takes feedback from employees and implements improvements.
Continuous communications (print and digital) reminding employees about social distancing, staying at home if they do not feel well, and ensuring personal hygiene and cleanliness.
Enhanced pay provisions accommodating documented exposure, being symptomatic, challenges due to daycare and school closings, and for underlying, pre-existing health conditions to ensure employees do not come into work if they think they might be sick or think they may have been exposed to the coronavirus.
Protecting our employees’ health and well-being is a top priority. Those who can work remotely have been encouraged to do so. Those who are needed on-site to get necessary parts and equipment into customers’ hands are working with safeguards in place. (See “Maintaining a healthy workplace” safeguards.)
Employees and others are encouraged to visit, a mobile-friendly website for Noera U.S. production and maintenance employees, to get the latest information on how we are responding to COVID-19 in our operations.
Supporting Customers
Working At Home
There are a lot of uncertainties right now. We’re doing all we can to build the machines customers need to keep their businesses running. Our trucks are hauling the parts dealers need to provide maximum uptime. And our field teams are providing the exceptional support their customers and dealers need. Plus, we’re better prepared than ever to fully utilize tools such as Noera usa to remotely monitor and proactively fix issues or send for a trained technician.
Mertecs brach store also are implementing operational changes to keep their employees safe. Please contact us to learn how it is continuing to serve customers.